Possible delays in hand development are common reasons why a baby/child is referred to a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. While a Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist), specializes in gross motor development (skills involving the large muscles e.g walking), an Occupational Therapist specializes in Fine Motor Development (skills involving the small muscles - hands).
- Strong grasp reflex
- Grasp reflex
- Briefly retains object placed in the hand
- Reflexively scratches and clutches at blanket
- Sustained voluntary grasp replaces grasp reflex
- Uses fingers in grasp without thumb involvement
- Progresses to palmar grasp
- Hand begins to accommodate the shape of the object
- Tactile awareness develops in the hand (tactile: the sense of touch on the skin)
- Begins to transfer object hand to hand
- Consistent palmar grasp
- Radial-palmar grasp emerging
- Transfers hand to hand
- Attempts to help with spoon feeding and cup drinking
- Fingerfeeds
- Shakes and bangs toys to create auditory and visual effect
- Demonstrates grip strength
- Masters radial-palmar grasp
- Points, and is developing pinch
- Releases objects in space and into large container
- Independently bottle feeds
- Continues to fingerfeed
- Assists with cup and spoon feeding
- Masters the three-jaw chuck grasp (thumb, index & middle fingers form this grasp)
- Pincher grasp with finger and thumb pads
- Progresses to finger-tip-pinch developing at 12 months
- May develop hand preference (note: this not hand dominance which develops later)
- Developing bimanual dexterity
- Manipulates by pushing, pulling, squeezing, rotating
- Combines fine motor patterns into function:
- Removes socks and unties shoes
- Finger feeds with minimal success
- Attempts spoon feeding with minimal success
- Imitates adult's use of tools (combing hair)
- Greater control of bimanual skills: speed, accuracy, dexterity increase
- Two hands demonstrate coordinated asymmetrical roles
- Cooperative use of two hands together: one hand holds/stabilizes, one manipulates
- Precise controlled release into small container
- Crayon held in fisted hand with thumb side up
- Alternating unilateral manipulation of object continues
- Assisting hand begins to be more that just stabilizer
- Simulates hand movements involving blended combinations of alternating stability and mobility: cooperative and complimentary bimanual movements.
Compiled from Normal Development of Functional Motor Skills: The First Year of Life by R. Alexander, R. Boehme, B. Cupps and Hand Function in the Child: Foundations for Remediation by A. Henderson, C. Pehoski.
This is SO interesting. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. I now have a new outlook on my babies development.
What a great reference guide. This is really helpful in terms of choosing appropriate aged toys for my little one. Due to my lack of understanding of development, I am sure that I was giving my little one toys that were too advanced for her age.
Thank you for your comments. Jessica, I will be addressing the important issue of age appropriate toys in my coming posts.
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