Success Through Play™ is excited to introduce our international readers to the Dunstan Baby Language System.
The story begins with Priscilla Dunstan , an Australian mother, who was born with a unique gift for sound. By the time she was five years old Priscilla could listen to a Mozart concerto only once and play it back, note for note. It was apparent that Priscilla had a photographic memory for audio patterns - and she was able to make connections between sounds which would appear random to other people. However, it was when Priscilla gave birth to her son that the further significance of her gift emerged. Priscilla discovered that babies use specific sounds to communicate their basic needs. This is regardless of the language their parents speak and is part of nature's plan - that babies can tell you what they need from the very beginning. It was eight years of research involving over 1000 babies that revealed this system of sounds - a language that is shared by all babies.
Parenting a newborn no longer has to be a guessing game. What was once thought of as crying is now known to be a universal language shared by all newborns. Dunstan Baby Language teaches parents to identify the specific sounds within their baby's cries that signal their everyday needs - hunger, tiredness, need to burp, lower wind pain and discomfort.
Parents report:
- A more contented baby who cries less and settles more easily
- More unbroken sleep for baby and for parents
- Both moms and dads feeling less stress and greater confidence in their ability to care for their newborn
The product includes:

- 2 concise lessons (2 DVD set)
- 24 page reference Booklet
- Quick reference Wall Chart
- Suitable for newborns from birth to three months
You will also hear from parents as they share their own tips using the system, as well as suggested settling techniques and advice.
Success Through Play™ was interested in learning about the studies that have been done with this system:
Dunstan Baby: The initial years of research were undertaken by Priscilla, recruiting mothers and babies and applying different methodologies to help validate her discovery. In 2006/2007 independent research studies undertaken in 3 countries have confirmed this amazing discovery and its profound benefits -with 90% of mothers saying they would recommend the System to other mothers.
In brief:
- Observation research was undertaken with over 400 babies of over 30 nationalities.
- Classification research was undertaken to begin classifying the 5 sounds and validating them by applying specific settling techniques.
- Intervention research applying the hypothesis of the 5 sounds and corresponding settling techniques.
- Two trials of consumer testing with mothers with positive results
- US academics from Brown University come to Australia and review the research to date. They guide Priscilla's methodology and become her mentors. A third consumer trial is undertaken with their help.
- Independent Consumer Research firm The Leading Edge conduct a longitudinal study in Sydney and Chicago, involving over 300 mothers of newborns; proving 9 of 10 mums found the System to be beneficial, and that they would recommend it to another mother.
- A third Independent study is conducted in the UK by Research firm 2CV, involving another 168 mothers of newborns. The results are consistent with the two previous Independent studies.
What are the advantages to learning how to interpret your baby's sounds and what are the wider implications of this?
Dunstan Baby: Since 1998, the Dunstan Baby Language has been comprehensively researched,
involving observation of over a thousand babies. Independent studies conducted in Australia, the U.S.A. and the United Kingdom demonstrated consistent results:
* 90% of all mothers found the Dunstan Baby Language very beneficial, and 100% of first time mothers reported the System highly valuable.
* 70% reported their baby settled faster.
* 50% reported an increase in uninterrupted sleep for both their baby and
* 70% of parents experienced greater self-esteem and a reduction in stress.
They felt more confident, relaxed and in control.
* 50% of mothers felt a greater bond with their baby*.
* 50% experienced better feeding results*.
* 2 of 3 Fathers reported reduced levels of stress, and more positive marital relationships as an immediate result of greater paternal involvement.
International research in Sydney Australia and Chicago USA was conducted by The Leading Edge. UK study conducted by 2CV, England.
*Specific to Australia and the USA
Dunstan Baby: We are extremely excited about the broader implications of the Dunstan System for improving the health and wellbeing of parents and their babies. The increases in maternal self esteem, reductions in parenting stress and ability to empower newborn families reported in our research hold potential for the Dunstan System to have a positive impact on factors that contribute to Baby Blues, Post Natal Depression and Shaken Baby Syndrome. Further research and exploration is planned to explore these areas.
Dunstan Baby Language is available from the official website
Shipment is available to US/Canada/UK/Rest of Europe/Australia/New Zealand.
South African readers can email: for purchasing details.
The product is delivered in English with French and Spanish subtitles. A new formatted product will be launched in the UK/Europe with French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Hebrew, Finnish, and Portuguese subtitles.
Success Through Play™ Comments:
The Dunstan Baby System is truly a revolutionary breakthrough in infant communication. Priscilla has been featured on the Oprah show where she introduced her system to the American Public. To see some highlights please click here:
The DVD begins with a beautiful and heart warming introduction by Tomas (Priscilla's son) wh introduces his "mum" to the world. The 2 sets of DVD's then proceed to slowly introduce you to the 5 different sounds that baby's make and the meaning behind each.

We are shown fantastic examples of babies who are making these sounds, which really help a parent to become familiar with the sound and teaches them what to listen out for in their own infant. We introduced this system to 3 parents on our panel, all first time parents. 2 of the 3 parents carry their baby in a soft carrier and they clearly had the advantage over the parents that did not. Carrying your baby in a soft carrier allows you to be more in tune with your infant and enables you to hear your infants sounds from the start! The 2 baby wearing parents were able to integrate the Dunstan Baby Language system very easily and were astounded with their ability to understand and meet the needs of their infant. The 3rd set of parents experienced a greater learning curve, but with encouragement they were able to apply the system to their infant and were equally amazed when they were able to interpret their baby's sounds.
All 3 sets of parents felt empowered and confident in their ability to understand, respond and meet the needs of their baby. "What an incredible breakthrough", exclaimed one set of parents. "Every parent needs to be taught this system before they are discharged from the hospital/birthing center". Wearing your baby and keeping your baby close to you will enable you to hear your baby's sounds at their earliest. Most parents keep their baby far away from them throughout the day and night and thus do not get the opportunity to hear these pre-cry sounds. What most parents hear is their baby's escalated cries which are the LAST way that a baby communicates with mom and dad.
The Dunstan Baby website is a useful resource for new parents/soon-to-be parents who are interested in learning about infant communication. Browse the FAQ section to get started. The Dunstan Baby Language has been researched since 1998.
To watch an exert from the DVD, and to hear babies making the "neh" sound (hungry), please click here:
We feel that Priscilla has "unlocked the secret language of babies" and that this system has enormous potential to help every parents the world over. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world, Priscilla. To find out more about this system, please visit
Courtesy of Dunstan Baby and in honor of our 4th Year Anniversary, five lucky readers will win their very own Dunstan Baby Language System which includes a 2-DVD set, a handy wall reference chart and a 16-page booklet. To enter, please send an email to info[AT]SuccessThroughPlay[DOT]com with the phrase "Dunstan Baby" in the subject line. Please include your name and your contact information. One entry per household. International entries welcome. One winner be selected at random. We never sell your information and all details will be kept strictly confidential. Please enter by the 25th of September, 2011, midnight PST. Good luck!
Hands down the best Baby Shower Gift there. Empowering parents with the knowledge to understand their baby and meet their needs.
Oooh I definitely need this system! I am clueless about interpreting my baby's cries! I also need SLEEP.
Margaret Banks said...
I received these DVD's as a gift and it really changed our lives. We had a difficult time understanding our baby's cries and we thought "what do we have to lose". We eagerly listened and watched and re-watched and then immediately starting putting into practice everything that we were taught. To our amazement and with some practice, we were able to successfully understand our baby's cries nearly all of the time. She was less frustrated and so were we. We are very grateful.
Amazing giveaway! Thank you.
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